Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Max Payne Evaluation

Shot number
Technical sound description
Effects on meaning/sound
The introduction with happy music that has bright colour and mood sound to match the scene with a dramatic beginning of the first shot.
The effect of this sound makes the viewers recognize whats ahead of them in the extract in the scene
Sound bridge starts on a blank scene.
Diegetic sound of the character talking.
The effect of this means that the scene builds tension and with tension it brings interest from the viewer
No music plays onto this scene.
Non-diegetic sound.
Narrator making drowning sounds.
Non-diegetic sound
This makes the scene look more realistic based on the fact of the windy sounds and the drowning sounds.
The character drowning creates dramatic effect
Non-diegetic voice of narrator  talking and also there is the sound of still water
This creates dramatic effect and this means that the viewers can get a better understanding of the scene
 Non-diegetic sound of the narrator talking about what’s happening with the sound of the water pushing him away down to his death
This creates more irony in the scene and it gets the viewers to understanding what’s in the scene
Dramatic irony is recognized ere as the main character starts to fall downwards
The effect of dramatic irony is that it brings out how the audience feel and it shows us in a more or less way of how the character is feeling
Non-diegetic sound here of the narrator talking about his experience and this starts to bring a mood music to the scene
The effect of the sound in this scene brings out the true meaning of what the character is trying to say
Diegetic sound of baby crying
The flashback makes the scene look contrapuntal and then comes in the diegetic sounds and also the bright lights help bring irony
The diegetic sound helps the scene keep up with the story pace and the contrapuntal sounds make the scene sound more realistic
As the main character walks forward the sound increases and creates a sound bridge and with this it brings tension to the table.
The sound bridge makes the scene more entertaining and it brings tension along with the sound bridge creating a mood music 
Non-diegetic and the scene flashbacks to where it was before and the narrator starts talking about what he’s going through currently
The non-diegetic sounds however also create a mood music because it matches the narrators commentary
This scene goes on with the crying baby and then creates on a mood music to intensify the scene and create a non-diegetic sound and also the baby crying makes it a diegetic sound also
The sound bridge really brings out the meaning behind the scene and as for the mood music it shows that the scene is non-diegetic
The scene shows a dead body and this refers to a flashback from the main character and this scene contains moods music to suit the role of the scene
The mood music shows the viewer that this scene contains a sound bridge and this then on creates tension
The sound of the clock in the background might suggest the characters times and up and this is known as mood music
The effect of this is that it creates irony and gives the audience a idea of what the narrator is saying
The scene begins with a sound bridge and a view of a dark room might represent sadness
This makes the audience feel the emotion that the narrator is feeling
The scene starts with a non-diegetic sound of the narrator speaking at story space
This creates a good feeling of what the character is feeling and his emotion behind the scene
The sound of the police car will be there to match the sounds of the object of the story and this is also known as a diegetic sound
This effect will kill off the tension of the scene and bring the scene to a new beginning and it will give the audience a right idea of what’s ahead for them in the scene 

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